Making Childhood Wild Again.

Wild Child cultivates lifelong relationships with nature, starting at birth. Let us demystify the risks of outdoor free play and increase your confidence and competence in providing child-led, inquiry-based opportunities for your children.

Walking down to Tod Inlet

Nature Playgroup in Victoria BC

A play-based program where young children (ages 0-6) and their caregivers can enjoy connecting through learning and play in outdoor environments.

Cost: $2.50/child

This cost goes towards supplies, staff, and running the program.

Do you want to attend but don't have the financial means to pay? Reach out to us through email.

“Encouraging a child to go outside in all weather builds resilience, but more importantly it saves them from spending their life merely tolerating the ‘bad’ days in favour of a handful of ‘good’ ones – a life of endless expectations and conditions where happiness hinges on sunshine.”

— Nicolette Sowder